Why Vista’s General Plan is being updated?
The City of Vista’s General Plan 2030 was last comprehensively updated in 2012 and the sixth cycle Housing Element (2021-2029) was recently updated and adopted in 2021. Since then, there have been a number of legislative, market, and physical changes that have occurred at the state level and in the City that warrant a targeted (versus wholesale comprehensive) update to the 2030 General Plan in order to prepare Vista for the future.
This General Plan Update provides an opportunity to evaluate what is working well and what needs to be re-evaluated from the current 2030 General Plan. The goal will be to prepare Vista for the future while holding on to its history and defining character. It is the intention to create a functional and ‘living’ document that can be updated as required throughout its life cycle. The City of Vista is committed to preparing a General Plan Update that is inspired and informed by the citizens, property owners, business owners, employees, community associations, and other stakeholders within the community, who will be consistently engaged throughout the Project process. The City believes the General Plan must reflect the diversity of Vista – creating access and equal opportunity for all.

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